Things that put off potential home buyers

3 min read

Buying a house is, for most people, the biggest single purchase they will make in their lifetime. That’s why it’s so important to get it right. Selling your home can also be stressful, especially in a buyer’s market. How do you know if your property is attractive to buyers or not? Here are some tips on things to avoid if you’re putting your home on the market and some big turn-offs for potential buyers.

Dirty Bathrooms and Kitchens

Bathrooms and kitchens are absolute deal breakers for most viewers, so there’s no excuse for leaving yours in anything other than tip-top, sparkling condition. Viewers want to walk in and imagine themselves living on your property, and that will not happen if you’re offering a vision of grime and grubby grouting! Other big turn-offs include brightly coloured bathroom suites.


Another big no-no is an unkempt garden. If a potential buyer sees a tremendous amount of work to be done before they’ve even stepped inside the house, they’ll feel pretty negative about the experience. Other gripes from viewers include seeing strange plants in gardens. If they don’t know what it is, they worry it could be Japanese knotweed or a very high-maintenance plant that will also cause trouble. Japanese knotweed is highly invasive and can even ruin the foundations of buildings.

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Messy Interior

It’s hard to get a feel for a place full of clutter. Not only does it make it difficult to look around, but it will also give the viewer the impression that there is a need for more storage space. Please have a good decluttering session. If you’re scared to part with things, then put them into storage until your home is sold. An essential aspect of viewing a property is the ability to see your stuff in situ. This can’t happen if a viewer can’t see past your furniture and ornaments. For details on Self Storage Dudley, go to

Bad Odours

Nothing provokes a stronger adverse reaction than walking into a house with a bad smell. Even subconsciously, a nasty whiff will leave a bad feeling about the place. Ensure you put the bins out before viewings, open the windows and invest in a few air fresheners.

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Multiple Pets

We all love animals, but even a viewer has to think twice about a home full of cats, dogs, rabbits, and other assorted furries. Potential buyers will be concerned about fleas, asthma, and allergies if they have children. With our feline friends, viewers might worry that the cats will return after the owner has moved away.

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