4 types of eBooks to put on sale and earn a lot of money

10 min read

Have you ever thought about writing a book and making money with it? If your answer is yes, then it is likely that the only thing that stops you is to think that you need an editorial to do it, when in reality, you can turn to a better option: eBooks.

Here is a reality: you can really buy anything on the Internet. Which, if you really think about it, means that you can also sell anything over the Internet.

So why don’t we take advantage of that?

The problem is that currently we spend a lot of time selling “products” through the Internet, and we are even beyond the reservation and the provision of services.

We are at a point where we can sell anything, even a skill or a thought. We can even package them so well in a great versatile eBook that can be sold anywhere.

What makes eBooks so practical is that they can be read anywhere and at any time, it can be on a computer, an eBook reader, a tablet or iPad, or even a Smartphone.

Which means the possibilities are endless when it comes to marketing and potential audiences.

So how can you make money with eBooks? Let’s start with the type of eBooks you can create and then let’s see how you can make money from home using them.

4 types of eBooks you can put on sale

1. The first and most obvious option is to write a book

Do you have a story in mind? A compilation of stories or poetry? Write them and sell them.

With the help of eBooks and authoring tools (creation) of eBooks, you can now create eBooks and convert them to any format you prefer without the need of an effective editor.

Of course, you will not have access to the same resources that publishers have, which will help your book be sold in large quantities worldwide, but it will also be in charge of your own marketing, you will get all the rights and you can write about whatever you want without being restricted to what an editor believes it will sell.

In addition, let’s be honest, finding an agent, creating query letters and surviving a large number of rejection letters is not what one would call “fun,” so creating an eBook and selling it yourself will eliminate the need for all that and It will ensure that your book not only goes out into the world, but that it starts selling immediately.

The self-publication is, in fact, a widely disseminated section of the publishing industry that is slowly growing in large proportions, has exceeded the online sales of large publishers.

Considering the growing market and available distributors, it is now much easier to sell eBooks to almost anyone with Internet access and an online credit card.

But if you don’t think you are particularly talented in creating capricious worlds or if you have a special gift for poetry, don’t worry, there are many other ways to narrate eBooks online.

2. Share your thoughts, reflections and funny stories

Do you have a peculiar writing voice when recounting anecdotes? Do you have a sense of humor that translates well to writing? Believe it or not, people like to read fun and interesting things.

Why do you think there is a great market for comedy and autobiographical genres?

People can enjoy only escaping in the lives of other people and living indirectly through them.

If you are able to turn your life into such a fun compilation of anecdotes, then you can surely have a good eBook material in your hands.

It doesn’t even have to be fun, it can be something you’ve learned, an epiphany that came to you, a moment that changed your life and could help others.

Take as an example, I remember that in the university I had an identity crisis like many other children of the third culture who were forced to grow up somewhere and then return to their country of origin when their parents considered it was time to return.

Finding your place in your home country when you’ve never grown up in it is a ridiculous challenge, believe me.

Although it was a struggle to adjust, I had chosen to try to focus on the fun aspects of living in the country and coming to terms with the annoying ones with whom I could not reconcile.

At some point in my third year of college, I found an online magazine that was still starting and accepting enrollments. One of the editors suggested that I use my experience of coming to live in my home country and write something that would attract the attention of the readers. So I did it.

And answer? It was amazing, especially for a university student like me who hadn’t formally published anything before that.

The number of people who could relate only to the items on my list, who continued to share and point to their friends in the post because they could see themselves so clearly, was not something that they had initially expected.

Now imagine making a complete eBook, full of experiences that are so recognizable but told in a fun way that people would not be able to resist?

You will get the equivalent of shared resources and tags, but converted into sales.

3. Turn your blog or website into an eBook

What happens if you already have content that you are proud of on your blog or website? What happens if you have a large knowledge database on your website that your readers might have difficulty finding on your website?

Converting all that content and placing it in a well-organized and divided eBook could be the perfect plan for your users. And an excellent way for you to earn money writing.

An excellent way to make people appreciate all the content that you had worked very hard to create your website or blog would be to offer them this eBook in exchange for subscribing to your blog or website, or for a small fee, since it is all there and will limit the time they will spend touring the website.

You can even add special content in the eBook, more than what your website or blog already contains, in the attempt to make more people download and appreciate the content.

4. Create an extension for your business

As mentioned earlier, you can now sell your skills online and it will be particularly easy to do it with an eBook.

Say, for example, that you are a personal trainer or have a gym. One way to share your personal experience and get more extra money is to create exercise routines with good explanatory illustrations and put them on sale.

Or if you are a nutritionist, you can suggest diets for people to follow or a daily meal plan for people to be healthier.

How about being a cook or a baker? Prepare excellent recipes and create your own recipe book, even if you are a housewife, it is a skill and people love homemade food.

No matter your ability, whatever it is, if you have enough knowledge and know business secrets that you have learned from the experience, you can share it on the Internet in the form of eBooks in exchange for money.

How to make money with your eBook

Well, you have the eBook, now you’re wondering how to make money with it, after all, this is the main point of this blog post. Well, there are so many ways to do it, the options are endless!

Go to publishers, distributors and aggregators online

The most guaranteed way to sell your book would be to use a well-known online ebook distribution platform, such as Amazon, Kobo or Nook.

Considering that all three have eReaders, they already have a wide audience and clientele to also sell your eBook.

If you do not want to go through the trouble of registering on each platform separately to sell your eBook there, you can use the help of an aggregator that can sell your eBooks to several distributors using the same platform, such as Smashwords and Draf2Digital.

Keep in mind that using any of these services will limit the amount of money you can get in rights. Some of these websites can take 10% to 40% of your sales.

Participate in an affiliate program

Another technique to help make money with your eBooks and have people download them for free would be to find affiliates.

You can advertise your products or whatever they offer somewhere or even talk about offers of them in your eBook, in large proportion.

In this way, you can allow your visitors to download the book for free and still obtain an income, depending on the conversion rate or your contract with the affiliate in question.

Create an eBook application

If you want to avoid the intermediary, as in the previous examples, to get more money in rights, you can try to attract customers with the help of the app store.

One of the best things about eBooks now is that you can create eBooks for mobile and web applications. As with any application, mobile eBook applications can be downloaded directly to your phone and, once installed, you are ready to start reading.

eBook applications are a combination of the eBook and an eBook reader that initializes the book, which means that the reader will not need any other application to read the book.

The same can be said about the eBook web application.

It is not necessary that there be an electronic reader on your desktop or laptop computer, as long as you install the eBook web application, it will come with both together and be ready to start reading.

First, apart from what is necessary to export the eBook application, there are no additional costs and you can upload the applications to the app store and then start selling immediately to readers.

Download directly from your site

The last way to sell your eBook would depend entirely on how many readers, followers and subscribers frequent your site, channel or blog, at least for you to earn a good amount of money with that.

The more visitors you have, the more people will be interested in buying your eBook.

You can always ask your followers to buy your eBook to help you create better content in the future.

This method is the easiest and easiest way to sell your eBook, directly from your site. One way to accept payment for your eBook would be to add a PayPal widget to your site.

In this way, people can buy without having to go through other channels and you get the full amount without anyone taking their share.

In short, eBooks have become so easy to make and sell today, and many people around the world use them as a source of extra income. Now what are you waiting for? Create that eBook and start earning money!

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