Can You Use AI to Make Adverts Online?

Artificial intelligence or AI is the latest advance in technology, and although its development is still in its infancy, already it is possible to see the transformative effects across many industries. This includes the advertising industry, as increasingly marketers are testing how they can use AI to make online adverts.

Creating Content

One of the concerns around AI is that it could render humans obsolete. However, nothing can truly replace human creativity. What AI can do is make the process easier. At present using generative AI to create images, audio and text is still limited, but early adopters are experimenting with it to see how they can use it effectively. Understanding how to use AI in ad content remains a specialist task, and so if you want online adverts like HTML5 banners, you would be better off using professionals such as The Bannermen.

Predictive Analysing

AI can play a key role in predictive analysing, which looks at the likelihood of a specific event occurring. Data analytics are vital to improve ROI, engagement and targeting. Using AI to predict a click-through rate, marketing specialists can optimise their ad placement and identify the content that will boost engagement.

Neural networks are when AI tries to mirror how the human mind makes connections. This analyses customer response data to see how ad placements and frequency need to be adjusted to maximise the impact of a digital marketing campaign.

Anomalies can hinder the success of an advertising campaign. For example, a campaign that is not as successful as predicted might result in increased page exits, lower engagement and increased cost-per-clicks. Identifying these quickly can help save a marketing campaign, and AI analytics can help speed up the rate at which these outliers are spotted.

Forecast models allow the combination of historical data analysis with other data sources such as weather patterns, shifts in consumer sentiments and price changes. This can help predict future demand. Traditionally this has been done by human data analysts, but combining this expertise with AI can improve accuracy for better predictive analysing.

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