Organising product launches can be a complex process, and many marketers dislike them. The venue, the catering, and the promotional materials need to be designed. The needs and expectations of different parts of an organisation are also different. A dedicated events agency or public relations firm can be a great resource. For Cheltenham PR, contact
Invite the right guests
Do not invite only people who are famous, wealthy or powerful that you know personally. You should invite the right people to your event. You can ask your sales team to invite the people they know who are best placed to help you achieve your goal.
Select your influencer carefully
After doing research, you may change your mind on who the best social media influencer is to promote your launch. What is their popularity amongst what age group and gender? If you’re asking for stats, most influencers are happy to share them.
Two-way relationship
You want them to promote your event but you also need to give something back. It doesn’t always have to be money, but it could mean promoting your product for free in exchange for a sample.
Give your guests a good reason to visit
Even if you have the best product in the market and are creating a lot of buzz, it might not be enough for people to come to your event. You might attract a few people with an open bar and some music, but you don’t want the event to be filled with people who aren’t interested in your product. You can raise interest by doing the following:
Select a great location
If you choose an ordinary hotel, it’s unlikely to be memorable. Think outside the box to find a cool place that nobody expects.
Staying true to your brand
Be sure to consider your target audience, and ensure that everything you do is designed to appeal to them. Think about what is best for you and your audience, rather than copying other companies. Incorporate your company’s unique personality and showcase what makes you special into your event.
Engage with social media
Social media engagement is becoming increasingly important. It also provides a platform to showcase your product. It allows them to test out your product, and encourages them to post and share photos. If you come up with a memorable, fun hashtag, creating your own is a great idea and see if you can get it trending.