Five elements of a marketing strategy

Having a clear roadmap in mind is the most effective means of marketing, giving you a clear understanding of the who, what, and how of your business. Who are you targeting? What are you offering compared to everyone else? How will you place your product amongst the competition?


It’s not easy implementing all this by yourself, which is why we’ve put together a roadmap for your roadmap, highlighting five key elements you should be including. It’s also worth mentioning that marketing strategy consultants can be a huge helping hand. There are plenty of specialists available online to take the workload off of your hands, such as



This should be your first, and probably most important, element. Every decision you make should fall back on your goals, whether it’s ‘bring in 30 more customers each month’, or ‘sell 200 of X products’. Being specific is important, as is making your goals both measurable and achievable.


Market research

It helps to know what you’re competing against before starting a new marketing plan. Check out similar businesses, their websites, social media profiles, and any additional items – such as newsletters, or just their general pricing – and you can more effectively gauge your business’s position. Use a competitor tool to help.


Crafted messaging

Customers want to know what you stand for and why they should bother listening. It’s on you to clearly define your brand’s voice and how it fits in amongst the competition. A simple approach of showing features and their benefits will work in most cases.


Find the right channels

Next, you want to know where all this information is going. Are you opting for digital marketing – online ads, social media, or emails – or will you try traditional methods, such as newspaper ads, business cards, or local events? Don’t try and aim for everything – specialise in the areas important to you.



It’s easy to go overboard here, so make sure you can afford your plans before they get out of hand. Keep a close eye on progress and any extra investment options.

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