5 errors that weigh your campaign on Google Ads or Facebook Ads

3 min read

We take a look at the worst mistakes that reduce the chances of success of your online advertising campaign on platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads (and we’ll tell you how to solve them).

Depending on your business, niche or target market, your online payment advertising strategy will be more optimal in Google Ads, in Facebook Ads or in other platforms. To optimize your conversion and improve two things are essential: on the one hand, the analytical and evaluation of results, and on the other, the knowledge of the various changes and possibilities implemented by Google or Facebook.

For example, AdWords recently became Ads, launching new tools such as smart campaigns, the Google marketing platform or the Google Ad Manager Service. Knowing in depth the benefits offered by each platform, you can find the ideal option for your niche.

If you want to correct some of the main errors that reduce your ability to get clicks and improve your success rates online, here is a list of the most recurring failures committed by those responsible for online advertising campaigns. By correcting them, you will be able to save money and time, as well as give a twist to your results.

Google Ads or Facebook Ads

1) You choose the wrong platform to advertise your product

You should not only repair the platform that your potential audience uses more, but also the one that works best for the type of product or service you offer. If it lends itself to demos, it is likely that you will succeed on YouTube, while if it responds to problems whose solution people search the Internet, it is likely that they will serve Google or Bing. To attract the curiosity of the target, Facebook or Instagram are two powerful reefs.

2) You direct traffic to another platform of the competition

Publishing a video in YouTube and buying advertising space from Facebook so that people visualize it in the Google video platform is rare that you obtain good results. In addition, it is usually more expensive than other methods.

3) Very specific sample size

In this sense, the extremes are frightening, because if you address yourself to an audience too broad or try to buy a very general search term will make your ad invisible when being covered by industry giants, the opposite solution it will not bring you too much joy. It is important to combine long tail keywords with local search terms for greater effectiveness and positioning.

4) Make an offer against yourself

If you run two versions of the same ad on the same platform addressed to the same audience, but the ads have two different calls to action, it is likely that you are boycotting, since you would be bidding against yourself and increasing the price of the campaign. Imagine, for example, that a call-to-action encourages people to visit your landing page while the other asks them to sign up for the newsletter. Experts recommend A / B testing or use different ads with the same call-to-action.

5) You leave the same ad unchanged for too long

You may be satisfied with the outcome of your campaign at first, but the results will be greatly improved if you look and improve the ads at least once a week. In this way, you will be aware of new competitors, changes and fluctuations in prices and how fashion trends and trends evolve in your target audience.

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